Monday, 18 July 2011

Legalised Terroism

An Israeli General has come out against the terrorism Israeli settlers are performing against the Palestinians in the West Bank (Link).

What I ask is how can we continue to support a regime that refuses to step in against this and still claim to have a 'War on Terror'?

Israel has repeatedly ignored international law (the West Bank settlements are considered illegal under international law) and refuses to keep their citizens in check to protect the native population. Not only that but when the Palestinians strike back - they bomb them with advanced military weapons. We just sent troops to Libya to aid rebels fighting against just this kind of situation.

We cannot have one rule for our friends and another for those we don't like. Right is Right and what is happening in the West Bank is not right by any stretch of the imagination. There should be a call for international sanctions against the terrorist regime in Jerusalem.

We (meaning the UK/US/UN) created the problem when we created Israel after WW2, we then turned a blind eye during their wars of expansion (though they claimed it was to increase their area of defence).

We have ignored repeated bombing and retaliation, and the Palestinians being subjugated and trodden underfoot. Enough is Enough!

Yes what happened to the Jews in WW2 was terrible and must never be allowed to happen again - but that doesn't give them free reign to  terrorise others.

All it takes for evil to win is for a good man to remain silent - so lets shout at the top of our lungs that we as a civilised society will not accept this!

We need to bring sanctions against Israel and protect the Palestinian population. We need to force Israel to come to the table for discussions.

Please join the facebook group I just created to work towards this Bring sanctions against Israel!

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